Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Clean Feeling

We all suffer from at least one ailment. Whether it be a cold, restless nights, anxiety or frequent fatigue (that's me lately).  Most likely if you were to go to a doctor for one of these they would most likely prescribe pills.  Although this might help short term it's really not addressing the root of the problem.   TOXIC BUILDUP. Toxic buildup comes from the food we eat, our chemical -filled environments,  and just going about our daily lives.  I highly recommend reading Clean by Dr. Junger.  It gives some great information on re-examining our health care, tips on doing a cleanse, what foods to eat and what foods to eliminate. It can be a bit overwhelming, but for starters here are some tips we should all incorporate into our daily lives:

  • REMOVE from your diet packaged and processed foods 
  • Instead of sugar or splenda try Agave Nectar to sweeten drinks or food.
  • Become conscious of the amount of unnecessary info that may be in your life. Reduce whatever is superflous
  • Exercise daily and commit to a regular routine. (even if it's just getting outside for a brisk walk)

After reading Clean and several other books like it I truly have become a believer that healthy food = good medicine.  The food we put into our bodies can either put us into a good mood with tons of energy and clear thinking or make us want to take a nap and get moody.  

1 comment:

  1. Love this and love the photo accompanying it. Totally agree, but every once in a while a nap IS the best medicine. Definitely want to check out Clean. Thank you for posting.
