Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Chalkboard Paint from Hudson Paint

Little by little my house is becoming more child-friendly  fun for my children. I found this and thought it would be neat to paint a door or wall in my home for my kiddies to draw on. Check it out. It is chalkboard paint from Hudson Paint and comes in several different  colors.  I have been wanting to add a little pop of color to my laundry room and decided to give it a try.  This is Bakery Green.

What do you think?? I really like it. Now I have to get some white chalk.


  1. That is such a curious shade of green - I have never seen it before - what do they call it exactly?

  2. Think it's called let's-surprise-Daddy-while-he's-away green, kinda goes with the let's- surprise-Daddy-while-he's-away-white in the master bath!

  3. Love the green. One of our favorites in this household!! What fun...and you can write on it??? How cool!!
